

I miss the sound of a voice that spoke to me gently,
I turned around and that voice was gone.

I miss the touch of a hand that comforts me,
I turned around and that hand was gone.

I miss the laughter in a voice when I did something silly,
I turned around and that voice was gone.

I miss the two big arms that used to hug me and throw me above his head,
I turned around and those arms were gone.

I miss the presence of a man called Daddy,
I turned around and my Daddy was gone.

You brought me shiny and new into this world,
I turned around and my world had changed.

You gave me laughter and good times,
I turned around and the laughter and good times were gone.

You gave me family and a feeling of security,
I turned around and that family and security were gone.

You gave me courage and strength,
I turned around and my courage was not as strong,
I turned around and my strength was weakened.

I brought new and shiny life into this world,
I turned around and my Daddy was not there to share my joy.

I laughed and cried and yearned for you to be there,
I turned around and my Daddy was not there.

I am still a part of you and always will be,
I turned around and my Daddy would always be there.

So maybe with some patience and a little luck,
I'll be okay with just your memory.